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A search for 'Altered States' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
104 matches in tracks
  1. Hey Toi L'Américain - States & Jirman Sima (02:58)
    from Américain, L'
    (Nicolas Errèra / States - Jirman Siva) - included sample of "Dallas" (Jean Renard / Michel Salva) [french TV-series version]
  2. Altered Ego (02:47)
    from Scream
  3. Altered Ego (02:47)
    from Scream
  4. Altered Ego (02:47)
    from Scream 2
  5. Altered Ego (02:47)
    from Scream
  6. Altered Ego (02:47)
    from Scream 2
  7. Altered Genos (03:37)
    from Panzer Dragoon Orta
  8. Altered Ego (02:49)
    from Choice Cuts
    (from "Scream")
  9. Altered Carbon Main Titles (01:39)
    from Altered Carbon
  10. Scream (Altered Ego) (02:48)
    from Halloween Celebration
    Marco Beltrami
  11. Altered Mind of 20-20 (08:06)
    from Short Cuts 2020
    Elia Cmiral
  12. Adolescent Genetically Altered Shinobi Terrapins (04:31)
    from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  13. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Weird And Scary
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  14. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Psycho
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  15. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Carrie
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  16. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Dead Zone, The
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  17. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from New Nightmare
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  18. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Escape From L.A.
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  19. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Body Double
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
  20. Altered Ego (02:46)
    from Crash
    from "Scream", composed by Marco Beltrami
Show all 104 matching tracks